The Zone is an eternal flame!
The Zone is an eternal flame. When one is born, he or she is but a tiny flame in a fireplace. With nurturing one’s flame becomes a fire filling the fireplace. However, everyone has slightly different fireplaces (individual biochemistries) and some of us burn hotter than others. This can be likened to one’s genetic history. When the fire first ignites, any fuel will burn.
There are several different types of fuel that are required to make one‘s fireplace burn efficiently.
Paper can be likened to high glycemic carbs. You need paper to get the fire started, and if it dies down you can use paper to reignite it. Paper produces a big flame and can ignite the kindling, but on its own it quickly dies, leaving a nasty residue in the grate. Paper does not burn very hot.
Kindling wood can be likened to medium glycemic carbs. It burns quickly, lasts longer than paper and burns hotter. Wood keeps the fire going, but will not last a long time. Again, the fire becomes smaller quickly.
Small dry logs can be likened to low glycemic carbs. They catch fire reasonably quick and burn for a reasonable period of time. They are a suitable fuel to provide long-term medium warmth.
Leaves can be likened to fiber, which slows down the burn rate.
Protein makes any fuel burn slower and is also necessary to rebuild the fireplace.
Fat is like coal. It burns hotter because of its double calories and it also burns slowly.
Some saturated fat is required and burns hot. However, it is full of impurities, and if too much saturated fat is burned, the ashes will clog the grate and block the airflow.
Monounsaturated fat burns clean. If enough is provided, it cleans out the dirty ash buildup from the saturated fat or any wood that is used.
A-M B-Well™ Omega-3 PGFO is a super fat. It burns really hot and eliminates all the buildup from the inferior fuels.
Putting on too much fuel at any time will damage the fireplace as will the fast burning fuels. We need to keep the fire hot and steady with the right quantity and quality of fuel, at the right time.
Over the years the residue of ash builds up and the fire dims. The ash is like the stored fat we carry. The fire has a lot of trouble burning it and it stops the new fuel from burning efficiently. This leads to more ash buildup. The rate of decline depends on the quality of the fuel, just like in anti-aging.
If all fuel is paper and kindling, the fireplace becomes clogged up very fast. Too much saturated fat also adds to the problems. With the right blend of coal, a little kindling and small logs, the fire will burn hot and long without residue, thus enabling one‘s eternal flame.
Exercise is like stirring the fire (ie poking with poker). If done regularly, the fire will burn hot and clean. However, if one stirs the fire too much, the fire will burn out. The fire also needs just the right amount of fuel before and after poking. However, there must be balance. If using too much fuel, more residue will accumulate which will shorten the life of the fire.
To burn brightly one’s fire requires:
- good clean burning fuels in balance, a little paper occasionally, some kindling and a reasonable amount of small logs.
- adequate protein to protect the fireplace.
- coal to provide the long lasting heat generation. Emphasis should be placed on A-M B-Well™ Omega-3 PGFO as the super cleaner.
By mid-life most people have blocked their grates and have only a small fire left burning. They need to do the following:
1. Exercise to expose the hot embers and get the fire ready for adding the correct fuel
2. Add high quality fuel like A-M B-Well™ Omega-3 PGFO which burns so bright it will clear other residue.
Once the residue is cleared, the fire will burn bright and its energy will be restored. The better BALANCE of fuel, the longer and better the fire burns. Once the fireplace is clogged up, the fire will do we.